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Business Africa


Rwanda: the growing tea sector [Business Africa]

Business Africa

A look at tea production, Rwanda records an increase in its exports, compared to the same period last year.

In Rwanda, the tea sector spared by the coronavirus pandemic saw a marked increase during the first quarter of this year. It totals over 9,000 tonnes – revenue of more than US$27.6 million, which is up by 15% from the same period in 2019.

Zambia: overproduction of electrical energy

Zambia aims to increase its production tenfold by 2022 thanks to the renewable energy projects under development.

Already self-sufficient in electricity, Zambia wants to go further in its energy production. The country whose current production exceeds 80% stopped its imports in 2018.

And the authorities estimate that this production will be in surplus within the next 2 years. And to serve the entire population, particularly rural, the government is betting on off-grid and support for private companies.

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